Physical Education

Look at what we will be learning this year!

*Tag Games
*Juggling (Balance, Agility and Coordination)
*Ultimate Frisbee
*Team Handball
*The Great Canadian Gladiator
*Fresh Tag
*Ostrich Tag
*Game called "Bump"
*Great Canadian Snowball Fight
*Belly Baseball (Kickball)
*Football (offence/defense)
*Skipping (long rope and short rope)
*Rally Good Time
*Animal Tag
*Hula Hoops
*Line Soccer (Mathematical Equations)
*Creative Movement
*Paddle Ball
*Full Throttle
*Game called 21
*Variety of Basketball Drills
*Flick a Switch Dodge Ball
*Basketball (dribbling, passing and shooting)
*Wall Ball
*Wonka Tag
*Fitness Stations
*Scatter Ball
*Scooter Ball
*All Run Kick Ball
*Roger Dodger
*Mega Mind
*Alien Attack
*Slap Tag
*Target Ball
*Bucket Ball
*Star Wars
*Indiana Jones (Protect the Jewel)
*Chicken Extreme
*Indoor Tennis
*Circuit Training
*Matrix (V-tag/Hunger Games/Quidditch/Hobbit)